Our production and quality system has met the GMP or cGMP standards of China, the EU, the US, Japan, and South Korea.We also passed the regulatory inspections by Chinese NMPA, EU EDQM, US FDA, Japanese PMDA, and South Korea MFDS.
We passed the on-site inspection from PMDA .
We passed the on-site inspection from EUEDQM.
We passed the on-site registration and GMP compliance inspection for Caspofungin Acetate from CFDI and ZJMPA.
We passed the remote inspection from EU EDQM .
We passed the 4003 form document review from US FDA for Sirolimus.
We passed the document review of regular GMP compliance from Japanese PMDA for Carbidopa.
We passed the on-site registration and GMP compliance inspection for Caspofungin Acetate from CFDI and ZJMPA.
We passed the on-site GMP compliance inspection of South Korea MFDS for Carbidopa and Levodopa.
We passed the on-site GMP compliance inspection for Levodopa from ZJMPA.
We passed the on-site pre-approval inspection from US FDA for Caspofungin Acetate.